Meeting 2018-01-26
Future Tasks - Changes are noted by Bold Solve the installation problem Reconstruct AsterixDB install guide - Qiushi, Chen, Taewoo Frontend refactoring - Teyu Take Multiple-Color-Pointmap as start point - Aaron "geoCell" & "getPoint" function - Qiushi Wrap the conf file parameters loaded by Twittermap - Qiancheng Tableau Evaluation - larger data set - Li Deng Layers of Frontend - Yang Cao Comparison with Oracle - Jiliang Ni Achievements Generate "CountMap" and "PointMap" on Tableau - Li Deng Successfully imported tweets data to Oracle - Jiliang Ni Show tweets on layered UI experiment - Yang Cao Stop words merged - Qiancheng PointMap Parameter Configuration merged - Qiushi Notes 1.48M records of Sample TwitterData (2017-Jul-01~07). (.zip) 382MB --> (.json) 1.6GB 14.6M records of Sample TwitterData (2017-Jul-01~Sep-01). (.zip) 4GB --> (.json) 16GB